Prof. Oyeronke Adunni Odunola

Professor of Biochemistry
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Photo Gallery…

Prof. Oyeronke A. Odunola's inaugural lecture photo gallery - 19/09/2019

With Mentees and Supervisees - I

With Mentees and Supervisees - II

With Mentees and Supervisees - III

Tribune News Paper - News Flash I

Tribune News Paper - News Flash II

Family II

Family III

With Deputy Vice- Chancellors - Profs. Adebowale & Ekanola

With Family & Deputy Vice-Chancellors

With her husband - Prof. Olusegun A. Odunola

With Prof. Olusegun A. Odunola II

With Prof. Ousegun A. Odunola III

With Vice-Chancellor, U.I. - Prof. A.I. Olayinka

Entery into the Hall - 1

Entery into the Hall - II

Family I

Prof. Oyeronke Odunola presenting her lecture

Prof. Oyeronke Odunola presenting her lecture

Spectators - I

Spectators - II

Spectators - III

Spectators - IV

Spectators - V

Spectators - VII

Spectators - VI
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